
Specially-abled Dog

Here’s a fighter, if we ever saw one!

Bebegurl was just a regular playful, energetic puppy. As she grew, we noticed that her legs were getting weak and she would often trip and fall. It was apparently a spine injury that she most likely had since birth and manifested as her bones developed. At 5 months old, she had became completely paralyzed from head to tail and was considered for euthanasia.

It’s a good thing that PAWS Veterinarian Dr. Eizel Ladores persisted with treating her, and together with her foster mom, gave her intense therapy that has allowed her to gain some movement and mobility. Now at 3 years old, she’s got a wheelchair to help her move around on slippery surfaces. She’s not in the best of health but she’s enjoying life and getting lots of love from her BFFS family. She deserves it!


Specially-abled Dog

Here’s a fighter, if we ever saw one!

Bebegurl was just a regular playful, energetic puppy. As she grew, we noticed that her legs were getting weak and she would often trip and fall. It was apparently a spine injury that she most likely had since birth and manifested as her bones developed. At 5 months old, she had became completely paralyzed from head to tail and was considered for euthanasia.

It’s a good thing that PAWS Veterinarian Dr. Eizel Ladores persisted with treating her, and together with her foster mom, gave her intense therapy that has allowed her to gain some movement and mobility. Now at 3 years old, she’s got a wheelchair to help her move around on slippery surfaces. She’s not in the best of health but she’s enjoying life and getting lots of love from her BFFS family. She deserves it!

Become Bebegurl's BFF

Bebegurl is pretty low maintenance, considering she has physical limitations. All she requires is healthy dog food, clean water, and a soft bed to sleep in at night (she does like them soft and fluffy!) Because she’s such a good gurl, we try to reward her with treats and some Cosi milk before bedtime. Would you also like to show her what a good gurl you think she is?

Bebegurl's Wishlist

  • Vitamin B-Complex (Neurovet)
  • Multivitamins with Calcium
  • Fish oil
  • Pet Milk
  • Dog socks and shoes
  • Dog kibble
  • Wet dog food
  • Doggie treats
  • Dog bed
  • Frontline for Dogs (2-10kg)

When you become Bebegurl's BFF, you will receive monthly newsletters with updates on her well-being. You may also request for a 5-minute Zoom call so you can see how she's doing.

Rescue Story

Bebegurl was the runt from a litter of 7. She was just so tiny and frail, and her foster mom refused to get attached. Hence the generic sounding name laughing. But who wouldn’t get attached to this cutie?!

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