
Special Needs Dog

Basil is a survivor of typhoon Ulysses. He was a feisty little thing who didn’t want to get rescued, and put up a huge fight when he was getting treated at the clinic. Of course, a lot of that had to do with the fact that he was starving, dehydrated, and exhausted from just trying to survive.

It didn’t take long for him to settle in at the PAWS shelter and get his strength back. However, it became clear that his skin condition was going to be tough to manage. It’s caused by food allergies aggravated by stress. 

Here at BFFS, he is the most playful and energetic dog who will jump up on people and initiate rough play. Of course, we try to discourage this, but we also enjoy watching him having the time of his life! 


Special Needs Dog

Basil is a survivor of typhoon Ulysses. He was a feisty little thing who didn’t want to get rescued, and put up a huge fight when he was getting treated at the clinic. Of course, a lot of that had to do with the fact that he was starving, dehydrated, and exhausted from just trying to survive.

It didn’t take long for him to settle in at the PAWS shelter and get his strength back. However, it became clear that his skin condition was going to be tough to manage. It’s caused by food allergies aggravated by stress. 

Here at BFFS, he is the most playful and energetic dog who will jump up on people and initiate rough play. Of course, we try to discourage this, but we also enjoy watching him having the time of his life! 

Become Basil's BFF

Basil is on a diet of Go! Solutions Skin + Coat Care. He also gets treated with Virbac Sebolytic Shampoo 2x a week. The itching hasn’t completely stopped, but at least the redness has subsided and his fur is starting to grow back. His food and shampoo are quite expensive and we need your help. Can you be his BFF and contribute to his needs?

Basil's Wishlist

  • Go! Solutions Skin + Coat Care
  • Virbac Sebolytic Shampoo
  • Chew toys
  • Dog collar
  • Soft mats
  • Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Frontline for Dogs (10-20kg)

When you become Basil's BFF, you will receive monthly newsletters with updates on his well-being. You may also request for a 5-minute Zoom call so you can see how he's doing.

Rescue Story

Basil was stuck on the roof a house for days when the floods dried up. He was exposed to the heat with no food and water. He bit the first rescuer who attempted to help him. Thankfully, PAWS volunteers heard of his plight and persisted with the rescue mission, and now his days as a stray dog are over.

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Sponsor the needs of one or more senior or special needs animals in our care.

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