The Link Between Animal Cruelty and Human Violence

The Link Between Animal Cruelty and Human Violence

Animal cruelty is not only a concern for the welfare of our furry furriends, but could quite possibly have a significant effect on our society as a whole. Research have proven there is a strong link between animal abuse and interpersonal violence between us humans, further highlighting the need to recognize and prevent these things. In this article, we will dive into the connection between animal cruelty and human violence, delving into the psychology of what might be causing either, and further examine the factors contributing to the link.

Understanding the Connection

Numerous studies have established the connection between animal cruelty and subsequent acts of violence towards humans. Countless individuals who have shown to actively engage in acts of violence towards animals have also been seen displaying aggressive, even homicidal, behavior towards humans. I’m sure you see a pattern here. This pattern has been observed in many other individuals with violent backgrounds. Such as suspects of domestic violence, child abuse, even serial killers.

This connection has raised many burning questions about the underlying psychology of this link, and how exactly we can prevent such violent actions towards humans and animals alike. 

Factors Contributing to the Link

Several factors contribute to the subsequent acts of violence towards humans that begin from animal abuse. One factor might be the concept of desensitization. Desensitization is a process where an individual’s emotional responsiveness to negative, aversive, or positive stimulus diminishes after repeated exposure. And when individuals continually engage in the abuse of animals without serious consequences, they will most likely be desensitized to the suffering of their fellow human beings. 

Another contributing factor is the cycle of violence. When an individual experiences abuse in their own lives, especially at a young age, they may be more prone to perpetuate the same level of abuse they’ve  to other humans or animals, also leading to the process of desensitization.

Additionally, further studies show that exhibiting acts of violence can be an indicator of a broader hidden psychological issue. Such individuals who engage in animal abuse may be more likely to be bearing an underlying mental health disorder or exhibiting an antisocial, abrasive personality. 

Acknowledging and addressing all these understated issues to society is crucial to breaking the cycle of violence.

Implications for Society

The connection between animal abuse and human violence has significant implications for the safety of society as a whole. To recognize and address these signs can serve as a warning sign for potential threats to society. Intervening in cases of animal cruelty could prevent individuals who pose a risk to others’ safety and health.

Furthermore, promoting the practice of empathy towards animals could develop a more sympathetic society. Teaching children and adults alike about the importance of treating animals with kindness and respect can help instill a more gentle, patient, and non-violent attitude among us humans. By addressing animal abuse, we can shape our community into a safer, more harmonious environment. 

Combating Animal Cruelty and Human Violence

Now, what actions do we take to effectively prevent animal cruelty? For us to combat animal cruelty as a society, it is important for us to take on a multi-faceted approach. Of course, as humble civilians such as ourselves, we can only do so much. Even as average civilians, there are many things we can contribute to the movement against animal abuse. Here are a few:

1. Reinforcing animal abuse laws to ensure such acts of violence towards animals are taken seriously. 

2. Promoting the education of children on the topic of animal cruelty and the immoralities of the habit – raising awareness in children, possibly even extending to the adults.

3. Suggesting prevention programs especially targeted to those already with a history of animal cruelty, providing them with resources and counseling, addressing underlying issues, and preventing them from transitioning into a far more amoral individual.

4. A collaboration between animal welfare organizations, law enforcement agencies, and social services in order to effectively address and deal with cases of animal cruelty and identifying possible threats to our society.

5. Supporting individuals who display signs of animal cruelty or backgrounds of violence, prioritizing addressing their mental health and the root causes of their behavior.

Taking proactive measures such as these, we can all work together as a society in breaking the cycle of violence, creating a safer, more compassionate society that cares and values the welfare of both humans and animals alike. 


In conclusion, the link between animal cruelty and human violence has a far more reaching implication to society than expected. For the safety of our community, it is crucial for us all to understand and address this connection. By recognizing the signs, intervening early, and promoting compassion and empathy between us humans, we can contribute into developing a safer and more harmonious future for us all.

This article is not intended to be a replacement for veterinary advice. This article’s goal is to raise awareness of a potentially life-threatening health problem that your beloved pet may have already encountered, is now dealing with, or may face in the future. We care for your animals as much as we care for ours at Best Friends Furever Sanctuary.

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Best Friends Furever Sanctuary is the Philippines’ first registered retirement home for rehabilitated companion animals. BFFS is not your typical rescue facility. BFFS was founded so that senior and specially-abled animals could age with grace and dignity under the care of senior volunteers of The Philippine Animal Welfare Society.

As a charity, we rely on donations to support our work of caring for our senior and specially-abled animals. We accept donations in cash and in-kind. We also have a program called “Become a BFF,” wherein you can sponsor the needs of one or more animals by donating at least P300 a month.

For more information on how you can help, get in touch with us at 0917 333 7670 or [email protected]. You may also visit us at Paily Farm, Purok 3 Upland, Brgy. Sto Niño, Magalang Pampanga 2011.

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